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"It's tyrannical in there, you know it's despotic, and I don't want to be ruled by that blandness"
- David Bowie om mainstream
Vill man bli rik på sin konst, då är man ingen konstnär. Riktigt skapande sker inte med pengar som mål. Och vill nån inte få sina alster kopierade, ja, lägg då dom i kassaskåp och lås om!
För allt man släpper ut, kan och kommer att kopieras. Det är så det alltid har fungerat, även i diktaturer, och det är så det alltid kommer att fungera.
Om folk inte vill betala för dessa konstnärer så är det främst konstnärernas problem att lösa, inte statens eller konsumenternas.
“There’s a lot of concern that newspapers and all of print is becoming a bit of an endangered species,” said Brian Stauffer, an illustrator based in Miami whose work has appeared in publications including Rolling Stone, Esquire and Entertainment Weekly, and who also rejected Google’s offer. “When a company like Google comes out very publicly and expects that the market would just give them free artwork, it sets a very dangerous precedent.”
The metaphor that I like to use is the metaphor of the circular mill. A lot of people talk about ants. [...] When we talk about bottom-up, decentralized phenomenons, the sort of ant colony is the classic metaphor, because[...], no individual ant knows what it's doing, but collectively ants are able to reach incredibly intelligent decisions. [...] So, the ant colony is a great model - you have all these little parts that collectively add up to a great thing. But we know that occasionally ants go astray, and what happens is that, if army ants are sort of wandering around and they get lost, they start to follow a simple rule - just do what the ant in front of you does. And what happens is that the ants eventually end up in a circle. And there's this famous example of one that was 1,200 feet long and lasted for two days, and the ants just kept marching around and around in a circle until they died. [...] That's the thing we have to fear, is that we're just going to keep marching around and around until we die.
I'm just going to draw your attention to just one of the many implications of the memetic perspective, which I recommend. [...]. In Jared Diamond's wonderful book, "Guns, Germs and Steel," he talks about how it was germs, more than guns and steel, that conquered the new hemisphere - the Western hemisphere - that conquered the rest of the world. When European explorers and travelers spread out, they brought with them the germs that they had become essentially immune to, that they had learned how to tolerate over [...] thousands of years, of living with domesticated animals who were the sources of those pathogens. [...] these pathogens just wiped out the native people, who had no immunity to them at all.
And we're doing it again. We're doing it this time with toxic ideas. Yesterday, a number of people -- Nicholas Negroponte and others -- spoke about all the wonderful things that are happening when our ideas get spread out, thanks to all the new technology all over the world. And I agree. It is largely wonderful.[...]. But among all those ideas that inevitably flow out into the whole world thanks to our technology, are a lot of toxic ideas. Now, this has been realized for some time. Sayyid Qutb is one of the founding fathers of fanatical Islam, one of the ideologues that inspired Osama bin Laden. "One has only to glance at its press films, fashion shows, beauty contests, ballrooms, wine bars and broadcasting stations." Memes.
These memes are spreading around the world and they are wiping out whole cultures. They are wiping out languages. They are wiping out traditions and practices. And it's not our fault, anymore than it's our fault when our germs lay waste to people that haven't developed the immunity. We have an immunity to all of the junk that lies around the edges of our culture. [...] They're not a big deal for us. But we should recognize that for many people in the world, they are a big deal. And we should be very alert to this, as we spread our education and our technology, one of the things that we are doing is we're the vectors of memes that are correctly viewed by the hosts of many other memes as a dire threat to their favorite memes - the memes that they are prepared to die for.
Get the facts. Work out the implications. There's plenty of room for moral passion once we've got the facts and can figure out the best thing to do. And, as with germs, the trick is not to try to annihilate them. [...] What you can do, however, is foster public health measures and the like that will encourage the evolution of avirulence. That will encourage the spread of relatively benign mutations of the most toxic varieties.
There's a growing extremism that comes from both sides in this debate, in response to this conflict between the law and the use of these technologies.
Integritet handlar inte bara om rätt till kommunikation, det handlar också om rätten att slippa utsättas för sexism, rasism, homofobi och brott. Först då har vi ett liv både fritt från våld och hot och också friheten att kunna kommunicera utan repressalier.
Vi ska aldrig tveka om människors grundläggande rätt att röra sig fritt, ladda ner fritt, få vara anonyma och få vara fria från övervakning. Vår kommunikation ska inte lagras. Där är många partier överens, även FI. Man talar helt riktigt om att de som anklagas för brott ska få en rättvis rättegång.
Men man talar sällan om hur vi hanterar anonyma hot och brott på nätet, när polis och rättsväsende inte har verktygen. Otaliga anmälningar görs, men det leder, med få undantag, till förundersökning, åtal och än mindre till fällande domar.
Det värsta med kvinnoprodukterna är när de framställs som en jämställdhetsrevolution. Som ni tjejer har längtat efter att få det vi män haft sedan vi uppfann hjulet utanför grottan! Äntligen finns marknadsanalysverktygen som gör ett rosa hjul möjligt! Herregud. Som om vi inte läst X-Men sedan urminnes tider. Och det går jättebra att köra mans-Volvo, det är bara att ställa handväskan i det där extrautrymmet för kuken.
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